Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hardball Essay

Hardball Essay The political game is a dog eat dog world, there are several factors that determined weather a politician will be successful or not. Having alliances, enemies, and deals is all part of it. In the book â€Å"Hardball: How Politics is Played† written by Chris Mathews explains what it takes to get ahead in politics and how to avoid disasters techniques previously used by others. â€Å"It’s not who you know; it’s who you get to know. † Forming alliances is very important when trying to climb the ladder higher in politics. In 1949 LBJ joined the senate and by the end of 1952 he had won the job of top Democratic leader. Before anything of this happened LBJ had a plan to achieve this, and it is called the â€Å"Johnson treatment†. It is when one goes one customer at a time, in order to feel the customer’s important. This in turn got LBJ a lot of support because of all the people he was able to communicate with on a personal level. The smaller the group to retail is always better. Clinton wasted no time getting to know as many as possible. He began to run for freshman class president on his first of campus, started networking at Oxford and Yale law school. He also volunteered in the 1972 presidential campaign of George McGovern, by the time Clinton ran for US Congress in 1974 he already had many connections under his belt. Niccolo Machiavelli warned future politicians in 1513 to stay close to people they are ruling. Three centuries later, Tomas P â€Å"Tip† O’ Neill coined the term, â€Å"all politics are local†. He understood that in order to be a successful politician, he had to appeal to  the simple, mundane and everyday concerns of those who elect them into office. Those personal issues, rather than big and intangible ideas, are often what voters care most about, according to this principle. In 1950 when Congressman Richard Nixon was running for the US Senate from California, he was running up against actress Helen Gahagan Douglas. Nixon needed to form an alliance with Earl Warren but he was against the idea. Mrs. Douglas was encouraging Warren’s neutrality by not endorsing the Democratic candidate. Nixon’s people saw an opening, they would appeal not to his party but to his heart: Earl Warren. Nixon set up a trap and worked, he would never win Warren’s friendship but nonetheless won his help and that’s what was most important. â€Å"It matters little what terrain you are competing on; the key to winning over allies is to focus on their sensitive points†. A politician will have enemies because of their different point of view on certain issue. Good politicians shake hands with their enemies and easily talk with them. LBJ once said, â€Å"Better to have ‘em inside the tent pissin’ out than outside pissin in. During the time Lincoln was president he had an entire administration filled with people who were angry and all felt that they’d make a better president him. This is smart because once you have your enemies working with you they can’t bad mouth you and their interests collide with yours. Having enemies work for you makes people trust you, because it gives off the impression you’re open minded. Politician use ridicul e in order to bring down their opponent, so it’s best if one come up with a quick witty remark because ignoring it is the worst possible thing one can do. It proves to people that the statement is true. Jimmy Carter ignored the â€Å"Keep you enemies in front of you† rule and paid for it dearly. Having defeated the Democratic establishment on his way to the Oval Office, carter soon found out that same establishment was rooting for his downfall. His own administration had cut off. Frustration and anger is a factor that can deter a politician from getting ahead in the world of politics. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail and later became president of South Africa. When Nelson Mandela was made prime minister of South America, he didn’t hold a grudge that he had been imprisoned but rather worked past it. Francis Patrick Sullivan was a whole different story. He had the goal to one day land a job on Capitol Hill, his problem was that he thought that be meeting with congressmen at nightspot would charm them. Professionals like to keep their private and office life separated. He was managing a House campaign, make Herbie a win ner. A day later Herbie told Sullivan that he wasn’t cut out for politic. This ruined Sullivan; he spent years drinking and even changed political parties in order to go against Herbie. A lot of politician their lives have been obsessively focused on a single bad break, in order to survive and grown as a professional one should use those bad experience and use them to avoid a future mishap. Revenge never leads to anything good. Once again never ignore an insult, to the public that can be seen as an admission of guilt. Respond to attacks immediately and don’t let them get away with anything. Dukakis was accused of being a bleeding heart liberal and then went to an interview and said he wouldn’t push the death penalty on someone who raped and killed a girl. Since he didn’t respond to the attack, it made if worse he had to pay the price. There are three tactics to ruin someone. 1) Catch ‘em in a lie Daniel Moynihan won an election by catching inconsistancies in his opponents’ stories. 2) Ridicule When FDR was accused of sending a military destroyer to find his dog Fala, he gave his famous â€Å"Fala† speech that made his opponents look stupid 3) Jujitsu, â€Å"Force of the opponents own attack to bring him down. When Texan Jack Brooks was accused of being a Communist, he said he’d shoot the next man who called him a Red. Silence is the ultimate weapon of power. You should always have your ears open and ask everyone around you to tell you everything. There are several different example where silence proves topple sound. Tip Oâ€℠¢Neill was a big fan of this rule. Newt Gingrich, his successor, failed to do this and allowed press in conferences, which led to his name being associated with bad news amongst the public. Lyndon Johnson said â€Å"I ain’t never learned nothing’ talkin. Churchill became prime minister because he remained silent and forced the previous prime minister to speak freely about his wanting Churchill to advance. JFK’s silence helped him in the missile crisis. Sometime when you give someone the satisfaction of telling them they’re right, you can get them to concede on the more important tangible issues. Being able to survive and being a good politician are to completely different things. Chris Matthews explained this in his book. The game of politics has a lot of different strategies not sometime work and other times don’t. Only a good politician would know what to do.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Historical accounts Essay

Historical accounts that support the role of globalization in poverty reduction are observed especially during peace time and pro-globalization among countries. There is at least eighty percent of the world population that lived at an inflation-adjusted $1 per day at the onset of wartime in the early nineteenth century (Srinivasan and Wallack 2003). Half century by half century, this level is consistently lowered with drastic improvement in post-war period. However, up to this day, debates continued at the gates of international organizations such as WTO, WB, IMF, etc. Most of the protagonists are still in doubt not on how globalization contributed to economic growth but more importantly how it impacted the poor. These debates are inconsistent with historical accounts that proved globalization as solution to poverty. The impact of globalization on poverty is a matter of time to give way for trickle effects, institutional adjustments and change of perception on traditional beliefs. And so, in the long run, there are fewer questions about the benefits that poor may have from globalization. In this view, protagonists are highly concern on the distance between the deliveries of poverty effects of globalization to the grass root people which are normally the poor with economic growth serving as intermediary. They are primarily concern on how unequal the amount that is delivered and how unfair the delay of those amount. Thus, economic growth is criticized to prioritize the welfare of the well-off sector rather than the welfare of the poor. The preceding statement is especially true when the risks of well-off people are compared with the risks of the poor. The former have ease in searching for employment, has enough liquidity for the delay in the welfare delivery and thus in the position to be doubly happy. On the other hand, the latter is in reverse situation aggravated by subsistence living and exposure to physical hazards and capitalist exploitation making them in absolute despair by lengthy wait for delivery of minimal welfare. A good example is the inequitable income distribution. As industries expand business due to increasing inflow of direct and portfolio capital from abroad, well-off people are prioritized to jobs that are created due to formal education. If they are terminated or walk out of the office in their voluntary preference, they are still on-demand from expanding businesses. In contrast, the poor with little knowledge of how the sector works and little options would feel inferior and thus is willing to take whatever salary, conditions of work and other dictates of their employer. Both their mobility and freedom are taken away. There are several empirical studies that suggest globalization is pro-poor. Besley and Burgess (2003) found that there is a negative relationship between the poverty and income per capita. In monitoring GDP growth and poverty on a twenty-year frame from 1980 to 2000, Deaton (2001) concluded that economic growth is responsible to poverty reduction in India. China, which is referred to as an economic giant awaken by foreign direct investments, is quoted by Park and Wang (2001) to have drastically eradicated rural poverty since 1998. To evidence that the role of globalization is not only limited to income aspect, poor nations in Africa showed high levels of lowered poverty during the 1990s elevated by consequently addressing issues of mortality, education and AIDS epidemic. According to Besley and Burgess (2003), economic growth is only possible when three resources are present; namely, physical capital, human capital and technological change. This is illustrated in many ways. As the poor gain equal knowledge as the well-off, the former salary will increase and thus get both of them in equal footing in terms of income. As newer technologies primarily in agriculture increase the yield of the poor, their incomes as well as capitalist tendencies will simultaneously benefit. There is even a surplus harvest to attend their nutritional demands and less risk that a natural calamity will make this positive situation short-lived. As road infrastructure takes over the rural and farm areas, access to larger markets and faster economic activity will further improve the situation of the poor. These three sources of economic growth can be done minimally by the national and local government due to the vicious cycle of being a poor nation. With globalization, deficient funding will not be a hindrance to provide sources of economic growth due to inflow of capital. Accepting the argument that economic growth is indeed a good middleman to improve the welfare of the poor from globalization, the global community must have an average annual economic growth of 3. 8% by 2015 with lowest demand growth from Eastern Europe and Central Asia and highest demand growth from Sub-Saharan Africa (Besley and Burgess 2003). Eminent in the work of Srinivasan and Wallack (2003) is that globalization must be coupled with redistribution such as price support and public services to the poor. On the other hand, Besley and Burgess (2003) specifically defined their preference on the term redistribution through income distribution. They argued that the volatility of income distribution among developing countries is very minimal. Thus, the impact of globalization on the poor sector is loomed by increasing the average income of the population. In the study of Dollar and Kraay (2001), it is found that globalizing large economies of the developing world are characterized by large rise in trade and large fall in tariff barriers starting in 1980s. Economic growth compared to 1970s is higher for the following decade through 1990s. However, even with this figures, non-globalizing developing countries that are small did not gain the same success of their large economy counterparts. On the positive side, the welfare of the poor in respect to level of income is argued to have regression relevance with the level of trade. This study supported the role of globalization to poverty reduction and the effectiveness of economic growth to deliver the necessary benefits to industries, sectors and public at large. Still, the minority of small countries that may not have the sufficient market as well as institutional backbone to exploit large foreign capital inflows are hoping for the miracles of globalization. Conclusion Would I support Globalization in terms of growth? The answer is relative and as much as we would like to place straightforward answer we cannot. It is hard to generalize the behavior of developed countries towards transition economies. The overlapping issue is that the former is offering the latter with the chance to achieve the former economic status without going through historical hardships which can include war. This is an offer that is hard to give away especially that most governments of transition economies are administered by older people. In addition, inability to integrate relations to world affairs at least partially would make the transitional country weak against global shocks, external feud and addressing of internal objectives. To this view, globalization is for growth since it encourages transitional economies to join the globalization wave to improve national economy. On the flip side, it is rational for the leaders of transitional economies to make a well-prepared and if not rigid bilateral and multilateral agreements with trading partners. This is true especially when its internal resources are vulnerable to adverse spill-over effects of globalization. It is a conservative but helpful to view these treaties as anti-growth particularly on quality of life, history and well-being of the nation’s identity. Internal resources do not only include people, places and things but also intangible resources like ideologies and memories. Globalization serves as intervening if not modifying mechanisms to status quo of these components. As a result, to be able to protect the non-economic growth of several national treasures and resources, seeing globalization as anti-growth to internal well-being is valid. References Besley, Timothy J, & Burgess, Robin (2003). Halving global poverty. Journal of economic perspectives, 17(3), 3-22. David Dollar, Aart Kraay (2004) Trade, Growth, and Poverty* The Economic Journal 114 (493), F22–F49 Deaton, Angus. (2001a), â€Å"Counting the World’s Poor’s Problems and Possible Solutions,† World Bank Research Observer, 16(2), 125-47. Park, A. and S. Wang (2001), â€Å"China’s Poverty Statistics,† China Economic Review, 23, 384-95. Srinivasan, T. N.? Wallack, J. S. ,â€Å"Globalization,Growthandthe Poor†,in De Economist, 152 (2), 2004, p. 251

Monday, July 29, 2019

Advantages Of The Atomic Bomb History Essay

Advantages Of The Atomic Bomb History Essay First, the war was brought to a quick end by using the atomic bomb on Japan. â€Å"A feeling of vindication and a desire to end the war strengthened the resolve of the United States to quickly and decisively conclude it.† (Atomic Bomb-Truman Press Release-August 6, 1945) The bombing of Pearl Harbor was still fresh in many American minds. Many Americans wanted to end the war. The Japanese resolve to fight was not very high during these following months. Their losses at Iwo Jima and Okinawa were extraordinary. Their navy and air force had been destroyed by America’s B-29s. This was part of the America’s air campaign to make bombing runs on military targets in Japan. Therefore, United States Pacific theater military leaders authorized the bombing of major cities. Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Kobe were all bombed. Hundreds of thousands of civilians died from these air strikes. The Japanese did keep their resolve even though many innocent people were dying. â€Å"Yet, Japanese resolve stayed strong and the idea of a bloody â€Å"house to house† invasion of the Japanese mainland would produce thousands more American and Allied casualties.† (Atomic Bomb-Truman Press Release-August 6, 1945) They thought their casualties would be much less than Americas and the ally’s casualties if they were to invade. Japan was relying more on numbers than the actual battle performance of a regular soldier. Japan believed they can use large amounts of civilians against well trained American and allied soldiers. In Potsdam of July 1945, the allies declared that Japanese must unconditionally surrender. Japan leaders rejected the declaration because they did not want to surrender by these terms. The President authorized the use of the atomic bomb after August 3, 1945. The President Truman rather have a country shell shock than have it being defiant. He wanted to end the war by destroying Japan’s cities and causing fear. Normal bombs canâ€⠄¢t achieve a quicker victory than atomic bombs because atomic bombs have a wider blast radius and power. He considered the atomic bomb as a weapon and he had no doubts that it should be used. Therefore, Hiroshima was bombed because it was the headquarters of the Fifth Division and the 2nd General Army. Hiroshima was a communication center, an assembly area for troops, a storage point, and had several military factories. 90 percent of the city’s buildings were damaged by the atomic bomb. Later, Nagasaki was bombed because the city was known to produce ordnance, ships, military equipment, and other war material. A faction called, â€Å"one condition† was lead by Togo who seized the bombing as a justification to surrender. Hisatsune Sakomizo, the chief cabinet secretary in 1945, called the bombing â€Å"a golden opportunity given by heaven to end the war.† (Debate: Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki) No amount of courage, skill, and fearless combat could help Japan ov erpower the atomic bomb. The emperor was looking for peace and need a good reason do so because some of his generals wanted to continue this war. The threat of the Soviet Union joining the war was not enough to convince the generals, but the atomic bomb was. On August 14, the Japanese government accepted the American terms for surrender. The atomic bombs quickly persuaded Japan to surrender because of the overwhelming power and fear.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Philosophy of Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Philosophy of Utilitarianism - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that utilitarianism requires that the good outcome should be more than the bad. We don’t know whether his liver will surely be useful to the recipient, clearly whoever receives it can still die because of the complication of the surgery. In such situation, there is a loss of two lives and it will not be utilitarianism. The last thing is that the family is likely to suffer more if they lose such a healthy father over a risky surgery as opposed to a stranger who may get the liver and go unnoticed. A gift of health and life are among the basic needs that every human requires. Risking ones’ life never produce a good feeling. The fear in his family says it all, it will not be considered utilitarianism because family suffering is much greater even if he comes out of theater alive. There are many ways to do good without risking life. He cannot donate every part of his body because of doing good.

D1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

D1 - Assignment Example Furthermore, the biological, physiological, and psychological changes that children experience during the years of adolescence can all be understood as explaining the component parts of childhood development. In this way, subject matter experts can work to unravel the causations and factors that contribute to an array of different actions, emotions, thought processes, and factors that influence individuals well into adulthood. As such, the use and application of childhood development to ascertain salient information on the â€Å"why† component of why individuals act, behave, and think a certain way is greatly advanced by the study and application of this body of knowledge. Biologically speaking, any chemical substance that is ingested by the mother while the fetus is still in the womb has a direct effect on the development of the child. Furthermore, drugs and the effects of pollution can inversely effect the healthy growth of the developing child and cause it to experience birth defects, congenital health issues, and or a host of behavioral problems that may not be immediately visible and/or take time to fully develop. In this way, childhood development as a function of what inputs a mother takes or ingests into her body during pregnancy has a powerful effect on the way the fetus develops within her. It is for this reason that successful counseling of the mother with regards to what to abstain from and what to avoid during the formative months of pregnancy and breastfeeding is of such vital importance. Without proper education and information relayed to at risk mothers, the infant and the mother are at risk for a great number of preventable health problems that could lead to a host of developmental problems for the unborn child in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Analysis of Terrorist Attacks in International Law Research Paper

Analysis of Terrorist Attacks in International Law - Research Paper Example Hague Convention considers the unlawful seizure of an aircraft, an international criminal offense and even the accomplices of the hijackers are charged with the same offense and even the states that get connected to the offense are asked to abide with the international law of hijacking. "The Convention requires each contracting state to take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offense when the offense is committed on board an aircraft registered in that state, or when the aircraft lands in that state with the offender on board, or when the alleged offender is present in its territory and it does not extradite him to one of the other states just mentioned" American Society of International Law.1" The use of the hijacked aircraft as lethal weapons, resulting in the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of persons, may be a crime against humanity under international law. The Statute of the International Criminal Court, which is in the process of obtaining the necessary ratifications to enter into force, defines a crime against humanity as any of several listed acts "when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack." The acts include murder and "other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health." When the attack happened in 2001 on the World Trade Centre, the International Criminal Court was not yet functioning. Still, the crimes were held as crimes against humanity that would be subject to all domestic criminal courts of the world and eventually they came under the jurisdiction of International Criminal Court. Under the jurisdiction of international law, not only any country could try the terrorists for the terrorist acts within the borders of that particular country irrespective of their nationality and citizenship according to the statutes that are in force, but also the terrorists could be sent to another country for trial if that country's grievance against such terrorists is more severe. All the countries can exercise the universal jurisdiction for the crimes committed against their State. According to the universal law, any country can bring such terrorist offenses under its own law and prosecute the offenders if 'they are within its custody'.International law issues can also crop up if any country is obviously harboring terrorists who have already committed acts of terrorism anywhere in the world. Military action against such a country is definitely not advised, but the country could be the target of many other international actions like sanctions, trade embargos etc. If there is an extradition treaty between the two countries, it should be honored immediately and not doing so, can earn the status of a rogue nation to the un-obliging country.

Friday, July 26, 2019

E learning Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

E learning - Thesis Example The people in the country mainly follow the culture of Sunni Muslims, which directly resembles with Islamic values and beliefs. The economy of the country has also been on a continuous growth spree over the years owing to the commendable growth in the business sector. E-learning has been a particular domain that has focused towards implementing internet as means of educating people. In Saudi Arabia, the government is largely focused towards using internet extensively in the primary educational sector. The increase in internet in academic purpose has been seen from the year 2007 in Saudi Arabia. Its use can be visualized in primary as well as secondary educational sector of the country. The findings of the study were deemed to be in alignment with the predetermined objectives of the research study which are further discussed in detail hereunder. The study has certain predetermined questions that need to be answered based upon the needs of the study. It is quite apparent that the research study has been conducted with the intention of depicting the problems of e-learning in Saudi Arabia especially in the domain of primary schools. The research study has also aimed at depicting the impact of both financial and technical problems with regards to the growth of the educational sector in Saudi Arabia especially in the domain of primary public schools of the nation. The objectives of this particular research study have been provided in detail hereunder. The objective of this particular research study is to determine the barriers experienced by primary public schools in Saudi Arabia when adopting e-learning. With this objective in mind, several research questions are framed below: In order to provide comprehensive set of answers for the research questions framed above, proper set of research objectives have been ascertained in this particular research study. However,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Landfill, Civilization, Disposability, Material Culture, Essay - 1

Landfill, Civilization, Disposability, Material Culture, - Essay Example 1 Production of disposable materials is a key concept in waste management. Common waste management practices include decreasing overall waste production, production of disposable materials, use of landfill and recycling. However, use of disposable materials as means of managing waste products has received much criticism from environmentalists.2 For example, recycling of disposable glass bottles, needles and syringes is responsible for spreading HIV, Hepatitis and other viral diseases. In addition to this, production of disposable material has led to dirtying the environment s such material take time to decompose. In addition to this, as the material decompose; they harbor bacteria and other organisms which cause diseases such as cholera. Lastly, disposable materials encourage users to be irresponsible as they throw waste material anywhere hoping it will decompose.3 It is therefore pointless for individuals to rely on disposable products. Instead, they should rely on recyclable materials. For example, shoppers can carry their goods in reusable bags rather than disposable plastic bags. Similarly, hand towels as well as other disposables should be replaced with cloth towel or hand

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International Aspects Of Business Law Coursework - 1

International Aspects Of Business Law - Coursework Example One of the event was several boxes were dropped by the crane during loading of the consignment. It occurred due to overloading of the net through which the boxes were lifted. Secondly, the carrier during the course of voyage also encountered rough weather conditions. Now the matter of concern for the buyer namely, Nee Soon Wat was the extent of damage of materials in the dropped boxes. But after inspection of the dropped boxes he found that the objects were intact. So he formally accepted the goods and paid Sefton Toys for the consignment. But at the time of unloading of the consignment it was discovered that rest of the uninspected shipment got affected largely due to shifting during the rough weather of the voyage. The improperly stowed cargo was the reason for shifting of the boxes. Furthermore, some serious mistake in the date of the paper works related to bill of lading is also present. Some information regarding the shipping terms are also provided in this case study to resolve this problem. Those are: firstly, during this transaction shipping terms were under Incoterms 2000. Secondly, the contract made by them expressed to be subject to the UN Convention on Sales 1980 (Vienna Convention). Findings from the statements of law The contract between Sefton Toy’s and Nee Soon Wat was based on two contractual laws; Incoterms 2000 and UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. According to, UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods the obligations of buyers and sellers are given below which will help to resolve this case. Obligations of the seller According to this Convention generally the obligations from seller’s end is the delivery of goods along with documents in conformity with the contract. This Convention also made supplementary rules which can be used in absence of agreement of contract. These rules states how, when and where the obligations should be performed by the sellers. It also provides numer ous rules about the seller’s obligations regarding quality of the commodities being sold. It suggests the seller must convey the commodities matching to the quality, quantity and description which are requisites of the buyer defined in the contract. The goods to be also packaged and marked according to the requisites of the buyer described in the contract. One significant rule which involve seller’s obligation is that the delivered merchandise should be free from third party rights or claims. There is another rule which is connected with the buyer’s obligation that is to inspect the goods. If any lack of conformity is discovered by the buyer in accord to the contract he must serve a notice within a rational period. It must be within 2 years from the delivery date of the consignment. (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International, p.38) Obligations of the buyer According to this convention the obligations from the buyer’s end are making the payment for the goods and accepting the delivery in accordance to the contract. During making payment it also includes performance of duties

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Energy Conversion and Integrated Solid Waste Management Essay

Energy Conversion and Integrated Solid Waste Management - Essay Example Nonetheless, the resultant combustion ash leads to concentration of inorganic hazardous materials in the refuse. Additionally, refuse combustion could yield other chemicals that could be toxic. The remaining 10% of waste has to be disposed off, mostly landfilled. The Integrated Solid Waste Management, ISMW, is a national solid waste management strategy developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency, EPA to assist local communities in making decisions that promote the most environmentally acceptable strategies. This gives a list of five, starting from the most desirable to the least desirable strategy. The first strategy is to reduce the quantity of waste generated from the source to minimize the effect on energy reserves and natural resources. The next most desirable strategy is to reuse materials. After implementing the first two, materials would then be recycled and recovered. Then, combustion, including all treatment methods, follows. Finally, after implementing all the four strategies, the remaining refuse would be landfilled. Engineering helps in balancing community needs when implementing the ISWM strategy to avoid any problems. This strategy has led to the dramatic growth of recycling in the past 20 years, Worrell and Vesilind (2 012) documenting a growth from 10% recycling in 1989 to 59% in 2008 in California and 16% in 1990 to 33% in 2008

Comparing Operating Systems Essay Example for Free

Comparing Operating Systems Essay Operating systems are the programmes that create environment which enable the various programmes to run on a computer. That is why they are also referred to as platforms. The programmes that run on these platforms can range from simple office automation softwares that enable us to do wordprocessing to games and also device drivers. All major companies make their software for multiple platforms. By platform we mean the base environment that enables the communication between the onboard devices like the hard-disk, memory, various ports (input/output) and the functions it will carry out using other programmes that will run in that environment. For example if we look at Microsoft which makes the MS Office software that is used by most personal computers. They make MS Office for not only their own operating system namely Windows but also for MAC and also for UNIX / LINUX. The function of the Operating system is to provide an environment and background on which the other applications will run. This involves the use of Hardware like the display card, network card, sound card, printers, scanners, other input and output devices. The hardware is linked to the computer through ports and communicates with the operating system through special software known as firmware (or drivers as it is commonly known). The most common Operating Systems are: * Windows * MAC * UNIX/LINUX WINDOWS: This is developed by Microsoft and has become a major platform for personal computers around the world. The name Windows was coined for the reason that one can open more than one application at the same time and work on each one independently simply by opening them in different windows. The earlier programmes did not have this capability and it revolutionised the industry. After this popularity, various versions were developed with time and now-a-days, we see the launch of Windows Vista. Before this we had the Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 98 etc. The popularity of Windows has been more so in its marketing strategy in that it has not limited itself to geographical boundaries. As a result of its becoming popular and being the most commonly used operating system also had advantages in terms of support. There were more people who had had experience of using Windows and some were able to even provide expertise and support where more advanced Microsoft support was not available e.g. in the remote areas of Africa and other rural areas. But like its popularity it had other people who liked to know more of the Operating system and who wanted to know more about how it works in the background. This led to a new breed of programmers who liked to tear things apart and learn about the mechanism of the system. These people then found ways of overriding certain functions, disabling certain features and using the system to their own advantage and a term was coined for them to be known as Hackers. Windows has had to deal with this breed of programmers to continue to hold the market and continuously trying to prove that their Operating System is safe and secure. Some of these programmers later on turned to other ways of proving their skills by developing programmes that would install themselves on the system and wreak havoc on the user by destroying the data, playing up with files and hijacking confidential information and sending it to them. These programmes are known as viruses, which like the clinical virus, avoid detection by changing form and then when the opportunity allows, do their bit of destruction. Windows uses the protocol TCP/IP to communicate with other computers. It is also the protocol that is used for communicating with the internet. MAC : This was developed by the makers of Apple Macintosh computers or Apple for short. It has upto now managed to hold a great deal of market share in the USA where it originated and incidentally, Microsoft is also based there. The MAC operating system was developed solely for use in the Apple computers and it was programmed for specific hardware that was on the Apple PCs. Unlike Windows that was developed independent of the hardware, MAC on the other hand remained dependent on the hardware and the various versions that came were designed so as to get the maximum output from the same hardware rather than for other new hardware. This was the reason that AppleMac as it was commonly called failed to capture the global market since people could not afford to buy the hardware and also the level of support was lacking beyond the borders of USA. It did try to market the concept that you need to buy the hardware only once and then just keep upgrading the software but by this time it was too late. Far East especially Taiwan, Korea, Japan and China took on the opportunity and started developing motherboards for PCs for which Microsoft was willing to supply the necessary Operating System. MAC has produced various versions so far and presently we are using MAC OS x10.5 also nicknamed Leopard just like its previous versions which were also named after the big cats. Except for the first one which was named Kodak after the Grizzly bear. Unlike Windows MAC does not have enemies of the likes of Hackers and Virus creators. It does get them but since MAC is not a popular system of the likes of Windows the Hackers and Virus programmers find it not that worthwhile to work on them. However, it does not mean that they are free from it, some people still do it and MAC also has to work around such people each time and new patches are constantly being developed. MAC uses the protocol AppleTalk to communicate with other computers. However, when it needs to go to the internet, it has to have TCP/IP protocol installed. UNIX/LINUX: Unlike the Windows and MAC this is not only an Open Source Operating System but also Freeware. By Open Source we mean that the main code of the programme on which it is based, is not secret or a property of anyone. Earlier when we talked about the Hackers getting into the operating system and disabling certain functions and enabling others to get it to work the way they want, this is exactly what an Open Source system allows one to do. One does not need to have a great deal of knowledge of programming to be able to manipulate the programme and also one does not need to worry about breaking any law by doing so. The inventors of the programme have given a basic programme along with the freehand to do whatever with it and make it work to your specific requirements. By freeware, we mean that the inventors who have created this programme do not want any money for it and it is free for anyone to download and use. Other terms in this context are the Shareware, this means that the programmer will only give you the software to use on a trial basis for a limited time so that you may evaluate it and see if it suits your needs or not. If it does, then after the trial period you may buy the full version thus avoiding any unnecessary cost that you could have incurred if it was not what you wanted. UNIX or LINUX which are both of similar nature though LINUX is the newer version, have another advantage in comparison to Windows and MAC in that, since these are Open source not many viruses or hackers try to disrupt it. However, UNIX is the main programme that hackers use to hack into either Windows or MAC since it allows you to work on the base level of the programme. UNIX also uses the TCP/IP protocol and thus one does not need to install other protocols to connect to the internet. Due to its popularity the LINUX has been taken by Sun Microsystems which is a major IT company based in Germany and they manufacture Sun computer systems. Sun computers use LINUX as their main operating system. When we run LINUX on a normal PC it is called referred to as a LINUX COMPARISON AT A GLANCE Windows MAC UNIX / LINUX * Popular around the world * Support is available even in remote areas * Uses the same protocol that is used to communicate with the internet. * Is very prone to hackers and viruses thus the creators have to constantly develop patches to overcome the threats. * Has more variety of programmes available as compared to other operating systems * Is only popular in the America * Has limited support around the world. * Is more secure than Windows in that it is not prone to hackers and viruses. * Uses the protocol AppleTalk to communicate with other Apple computers but needs the TCP/IP to communicate with the internet. * It is freeware so anyone can use it free of cost. * It is an open source system allowing one to customise it to ones own needs and requirements without fear of any legal liability. * It uses the TCP/IP protocol to communicate thus is compliant with the internet. * Most internet servers still use UNIX as their main operating system

Monday, July 22, 2019

Three writers walk into a bar Essay Example for Free

Three writers walk into a bar Essay Edward Said was not able to forget the images he had just seen in an art exhibition of Twin Tower and London Bombing. On one hand he was really touched by the effort done by the photographers to provide the grief and pain experienced by people affected by it and on the other hand the ability of people to fight with such crime helping each other even in such ghastly period. He just stopped on the road when he saw Shweder and Nussbaum coming towards him with friendly smiles on their faces and greetings. â€Å"How do you do?† asked Nussbaum while Shweder hugged him with courtesy. Said for a moment forgot the internal discussion he was having with himself. Nussbaum said, â€Å"It has been long that we have sat together and had some hot discussions.† Said smiled and told â€Å"May be I will not be able to participate as I am just coming from an exhibition and saw some horrific pictures of terrorist attacks. I am lost thinking about those who would have done and those who would have paid prices for that. You people can carry on.† â€Å"Than, we must sit to have a simple conversation, there is a good bar nearby, shall we go there? asked Shweder. â€Å"Sure† After sitting in bar Nussbaum told, â€Å"Oh, even we people from academic fields who studies these issues can not keep ourselves out of the emotional aspects.† â€Å"Come on we are human being everything in our society and surroundings impacts our emotional, mental and intellectual states.†Ã‚   Said told. â€Å"Yes, very true,† Shweder nodded with agreement and explained further â€Å"You know what we feel in that way because we have been bought up in the families where humanitarian values and moral aspects were given importance. It is our families which rooted this feeling deep within our hearts, brain and emotions that we should empathize with others.† â€Å"No, I have a different view altogether in such scenario.† Nussbaum leaned forward to pick up almonds from the plate and explained further, â€Å"You know when I see around me, I find people running for endless destinations. They do not know or bother to know who lives next to them or who is sitting besides them. They are so busy with themselves that even husband and wives do not get time for each other as compared to the past. Compassion has lost its meaning. But such kinds of events†¦.please do not take me otherwise, I am not supporting terrorism, but I am giving my view on implications of such attacks in other way round. People have come closer to others. Said have sympathy for those whom probably he has not even seen or met. What it means? Terrorist on one hand are spreading terror but as a by product of such activities people irrespective of their ethnic, sexual, economic backgrounds are coming together to hold each other’s hand and share their pain and grief.† â€Å" Said, what do you think how people can go to such extent?† â€Å"Shweder you know fundamentalism very well, you have written so much for this particular topic. This is an ill effect of fundamentalism. These people w execute terrorist attacks are taught only what handful of people think is right. They do not get enough   freedom to choose what they want to study or learn. They only learn what these people want. The overall learning process is around such things which are not good for human society.† â€Å"Yes I know.† Anyway I feel now I am comfortable, thank you both of you.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Use of the ‘mise-en-scene’ in TV Shows and Movies

Use of the ‘mise-en-scene’ in TV Shows and Movies The use of the ‘Mise-en-Scene’ in TV shows and Movies during the last 15 years: A Semiotic Comparison The mise-en-scene has been a huge part of film and television throughout the last century and it has vastly improved during the last fifteen years. TV series such as AMC’s the ‘The Walking Dead’ (2010-) and HBO’s ‘Game of Thrones’ (2011-) have created a cinematic universe, that can actually compete with block buster movies such as, ’28 Days/Weeks Later’ (2002/2007) and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ (2001/2002/2003). I am going to identify how the use of mise-en-scene in these two television programs have affected the production values and semiology of recent television series, compared to the five noughties movies. Semiotics, or semiology is the study of signs and symbols and how they are interpreted by someone (Monaco, 2000). A sign is composed of two things: the signifier and the signified. The signifier is the form of the sign, whilst the signified is the idea or concept in which it is related to (Saussure, 1959). Using a trichotomy of semiotics, Saussure explains how there are three concepts of a signifier: the object – what the sign is, the sign – what we see, and the interpretation – the meaning/ metaphor behind the sign (Saussure, ibid). For example: using the following image from ‘Game of Thrones’ of The Wall (Appendix I), the object would be that the Wall/ and Castle Black from Game of Thrones, the sign would be that is a giant wall, and the interpretation would be that the wall was built there to protect Westeros from The Others, White Walkers and Wildlings beyond it. ‘The Wall’ can be seen both as denotative and connotative. They are the first and second orders of signification. Denotation is the most literal meaning of signs, whilst Connotation is more subjective and interpretive (Barthes, 1977). Furthermore, denotation is what the image significantly represents and connotative is what the image suggests as a symbol. For example: in ‘Game of Thrones’ using denotation the Kings Hand’s pin (Appendix II) represents a very high and important person next to the king. However when connotative, the pin is a circle with a hand in it, which symbolizes the ‘Hand of the King’. Language is a structure of symbols that prompt ideas [3] (Saussure, 1959). Ferdinand de Saussure was a semiotician whose ideas laid a foundation for many significant developments in semiology in the 20th century. His modest yet well-designed idea was ‘to view language as simply one of a number of system of codes of communication’ (Monaco, 2000:58). Semantics, then became merely one area of the more general study of systems of signs. Codes come a number of areas: unique codes, established art forms and cultural codes. Unique codes tend to be a montage of the process of time moving forward. Established art forms are signs and symbols through artwork and theatre performances. Cultural codes is something that is done on an everyday basis, which ends up being the norm for people. Codes are critical constructions systems of logical relationship A great variety of codes combine to form the medium in which film expresses meaning (Monaco, 2000:175). Semiotics are used in television shows and movies to help the audience identify the meaning of what they are watching. For example: In the movie ‘The Lord of the Rings’, audiences can use the mise-en-scene such as, bows, swords, species and costumes to recognise that the film is a sort of medieval fantasy film in a un-real universe. Taken from the French meaning ‘to place in a scene’, the mise-en-scene is everything that appears in front of the camera and its arrangement (Monaco, 2000). For example: shot types, sets, props, actors, costumes, lighting etc. The mise-en-scene helps the audiences to learn about the film and television program without watching much, if not, any of the media. For instance: audiences can discover the genre and production values, just by the decoration of the costumes and sets. In the mise-en-scene, there are two diverse types of shots, the diachronic shot and the framed image. The Diachronic shot is the movement in shot, therefore the emphasis is aimed at the type of shot, focus, angles, and points of views. The framed image is one shot where the emphasis is aimed at colour, aspect ratio, compositional planes, and lighting (Monaco, ibid). Depending on the genre and whether the media is of a film or TV program, the mise-en-scene, furthermore the production values get altered and become completely different (Monaco, ibid). For instance: ‘Lord of the Rings’ is the fantasy/ adventure genre, so it could have a high budget because of the massive use of different locations, props, and special effects. Whilst, ‘The Walking Dead’ is the horror genre, meaning it could have different or less expensive use of the mise-en-scene. ‘Lord of the Rings’ is a film, and ‘The Walking Dead’ is a TV program, so naturally the use of mise-en-scene will be is completely different. The production value/budget of a film is very useful in pre-production. ‘The first phase is preparatory—the script is written, actors and technicians hired, shooting schedules and budgets planned’ (Monaco, 2000:128). Budgets tell a director/producer if the movie will be possible or high quality. Producers set a budget in preproduction, however the budget may increase by the end of the whole production because of un-expected circumstances such as dropped out actors, and expensive use of the mise-en-scene [1] (Monaco, 2000). Similarly, the genre is worked out during preproduction. Genre is useful because it is not only easy to write the story around a certain genre, but it also invites the correct audiences to watch the film, creating the fandom (Monaco, ibid). Research methods are split into two methodologies, primary and secondary. Primary research is research that is completed by a researcher, for instance: watching/ reviewing films, and reading newspaper/ magazine articles. Secondary research on the other hand is research that is gathered from an existing primary source, for example: surveys, and academic books/ journals. Content analysis can be both primary and secondary as it relies on a qualitative and quantitative technique. Qualitative research asks, what and why, and it is based off merely the beliefs and attitudes of a subject. Whilst, quantitative research asks, how many, as its data is formed by statistics and facts of the subject (Jensen Jankowski, 2002). As a quantitative method, content analysis’s finding usual are sorted into numbers and percentages (Jensen Jankowski, ibid). For example: the research of the amount of times a character is killed off in ‘Game of Thrones’, will be done using content analysis, by watching how every episode and counting every death, putting the results in categories, such as men killed by men, women killed by men, women killed by women, men killed by women, child death, murder, suicide, and race. This may take a while, but the results will tell the research the statistics of the different deaths in ‘Game of Thrones’. Results of this could look like the following, ‘in the first season 100 people died, 70% was a murder of men by men, whilst, 30% was a murder of women by men’. Some strengths of quantitative content analysis is that it is an inexpensive research method, that doesn’t really acquire much, if not any contact with people. Researchers can lea rn much about a media production’s target audiences and financial support (Macnamara, 2005). Weaknesses of quantitative content analysis is that the study is inadequate by availability of materials and movements in media may not be an accurate reflection of reality (Macnamara, ibid). Content analysis can be used as semiotic research by watching and analysing films and television to come up with facts about the research topic/ question. Semiotic research looks into the mise-en-scene and creates a conclusion by investigating the meaning or metaphors behind a symbol such as a prop, etc (Monaco, 2000). Strengths of qualitative content analysis are that it offers a good interpretation and explanation of a person’s personal experience of a situation. It is useful for studying a limited number of cases in depth, and it can conduct cross case comparisons and analysis (Brennen, 2012). Weaknesses are that researchers find investigating rather difficult to test theories with larger groups and the results of the research are more easily influenced by the researcher’s personal prejudices (Brennen, ibid). Film and television are full of semiotics, that create metaphors and meaning to the programme/movie. As they’re the zombie horror genre, ‘The Walking Dead’ and ’28 Days/Weeks Later’ need to set a certain tone to attract the correct audience and to give the precise symbolism to show history and maybe important information about locations, characters, and props. I’ve researched into this by watching season 1 and 2 of ‘The Walking Dead’ and both ’28 Days’ and 28 Weeks Later’. One of the things that I found is that they both show symbolism through their types of zombies. ‘The Walking Dead’s’ zombies are slow, and they only have one type, which is the typical decayed zombie corpse. This could symbolize that it is an incurable infection, more than an illness. However, the zombies in ’28 Days/Weeks Later’ are more fast paced, deadly, and with a more human look than ‘The Walking Dead’ zombies. This could symbolize that, unlike AMC’s zombies, it could be a mental illness like rabies. The Music of ‘The Walking Dead’ and ’28 Days/Weeks Later’ both signifies the tones of the scenes in the media. While watching the series 1 episode 4, ‘The Walking Dead’ uses fast pace music in a scene where the characters are trying to get a bag of weapons from the streets of Atlanta. Because the rest of the episode was without music, this created an atmosphere of tension for this particular scene, and identified that something bad could happen. Similarly, ’28 Weeks Later’ does the same in the scene where there is a zombie outbreak in the safe zone, and people are running around panicking, and dying. This doesn’t just give a tone of tension, but symbolizes that all hope of survival is lost. As ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’ are both a completely different genres, which are Adventure and Fantasy, they will have different uses of signs and symbol. Both the movies and the series have many uses of semiotics, but while watching the media, I was most fascinated by the locations used and the characters. ‘Game of Thrones’ uses up to 26 filming locations to accomplish a cinematic use of the mise-en-scene (IMDB, 2011-). Locations such as the Hverfjall volcano in the Lake Myvatin region of Northern Iceland, which was filmed in most of the icy scenes that was beyond the wall (Appendix III IV). However, unlike ‘Game of Thrones’, ‘The Lord of the Rings’ only uses the whole of New Zealand to film the movies. One location being Tongariro National Park, which was the main setting of the Land of Mordor (Appendix V). Both ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ use these locations to indicate a realism in a fantasy universe. ‘Game of Thrones’ has a lot of characters with unique personas. The Lannister’s are very unique characters, with their golden hair, and smug looks, they can symbolize a lot of things (Appendix VI) and they have a phrase that could imply two things. ‘A Lannister always pays his debts’, this phrase could mean either a threat to or about enemies, or a sign of loyalty, and however in most cases in the show, it is used as a threat. Cersei Lannister is nothing but a bad person, and by looking at an image of her could imply her personality. In a scene with her, she might raise her eyebrows and stare deep in to person she is talking to eyes. This could symbolize that she is deceitful, and ready for revenge. Similarly, ‘Lord of the Rings’ characters use looks and phrases to symbolize their persona. Golem/Smà ©agol is a sick little creature, who has multiply personality disorder. He constantly talks to him, and has the ongoing phrase of ‘my precious’, as he talks about the one ring. This could symbolize the illness of greed and selfishness that comes with the ring. Golem is obsessed with the one ring and is dishonest and double crossing, whilst Smà ©agol has a more friendly and playful personality. Has both personas have the same appearance, the only way to tell apart is his facial expressions. A creepy and demeaning face will show if Golem is speaking (Appendix VII), whilst when Smà ©agol is speaking, an innocent and approachable face appears (Appendix VIII) [4]. The mise-en-scene effects the production budgets of a film and television programme (Monaco, 2000). The television ‘The Walking Dead’ has its similarities and differences to the film series ‘28 Days/Weeks Later’. According to an article by Anthony Ocasio on Screen Rant, ‘The Walking Dead’s’ production budget in season 1 was $3.4 million for six episodes. The budget was decreased in season 2 to $2.7 million to increase the number of episodes to thirteen (Ocasio, 2013). This of course altered the mise-en-scene majorly, from having season 1 of the show based in many locations such as a city/ forest/ town/ etc, to having season 2 of the show in less locations such as the high way/ farm/ etc. Similarly like AMC’s series, ’28 Days Later’ had a smaller budget from its sequel. According to Box Office Mojo, ’28 Days Later’ had a budget of $8 million with a runtime of 113 minutes (IMDB, 2007), whilst ’28 We eks Later’ had a budget of $15 million with a runtime of 100 minutes (Nash Information Services LLC, 2015). This effects the mise-en-scene by the improvement in the acting and the special effects, however, the budget is still low, so the locations are pretty much the same. ‘The Walking Dead’ and ’28 Days/Weeks Later’ are examples of low budgeting in film and television. The HBO television series ‘Game of Thrones’ and the ‘Lord of the Rings’ movies are both highly budgeted. According to an article on ‘Winteriscoming’, ‘Game of Thrones’ had a budget of $60 million in the first season, with 10 episodes, whilst in season 2 it increased by 15% to $69 million with 10 episodes (WinterisComing, 2012). There is not much difference of mise-en-scene in each series, as the budget started high, so the sets/locations were good to begin with. As the production values increased each series, so did the sets, props, and extras. Similarly, the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy’s budget started off high in the first film, but it didn’t increase by much in the other two films. In ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’, the budget was $93 million with a 228 minute runtime on the extended edition (IMDB, 2001). ‘The Two Towers’ had a budget of $94 million with a runtime of 235 minutes on the extended edition (IMDB, 2002). Lastly, ‘The Return of the King’ also had a budget of $94 million with a 263 minute runtime on the extended edition (IMDB, 2003). As the budget was high to begin with, the mise-en-scene was barley altered. The only explanation of the $1 million increase is the other two films had huge battle scenes, which needed the extra money for special effects, extras, and expensive camera shots [2]. In conclusion, the use of mise-en-scene has been affected in film and television during the last fifteen years, due to the increase in production values. The movies will always have a greater budget, compared to television, but there are still similarities. In both film and television, the budget can increase/decrease due to the amount of footage of a production, which can alter locations, props, actors, and any other uses of the mise-en-scene [2]. ‘Producers set a budget in preproduction†¦ expensive use of the mise-en-scene’ [1] (Monaco, 2000). Language is used in ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ to symbolize meaning and metaphors for different characters [4]. ‘Language is a structure of symbols that prompt ideas’ [3] (Saussure, 1959). Lastly, ‘The Walking Dead’, ’28 Days/Weeks Later’ and ‘Game of Thrones’, ‘The Lord of the Rings’ are all completely different ge nres of film and television, but they all use the mise-en-scene in some way to create meaning and metaphors behind different signifiers of the film or television. References Barthes, R. (1977) Image-Music-Text. London: Fontana Press IMDB. (2007) 28 Days Later. [Accessed on 13/04/2015] IMDB. (2001) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. [Accessed on 13/04/2015] IMDB. (2002) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. [Accessed on 13/04/2015] IMDB. (2003) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. [Accessed on 13/04/2015] IMDB. (2011-) Game of Thrones Locations. [Accessed on 18/04/2015] Jensen, K Jankowski, N. (2002) A Handbook of Qualitative Methodologies for Mass Communication Research. London New York: Routledge. Monaco, J. (2000) How to Read a Film. New York Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nash Information Services, LLC (2015) 28 Weeks Later. [Accessed on 13/04/2015] Ocasio, A (2013) ‘The Walking Dead’: Why Frank Darabont Was Fired The Chaotic Aftermath. [Accessed on 13/04/2015] Saussure, de, F. (1956) Course in general linguistics. New York: The Philosophical Library. WinterisComing. (2012) The finances of Game of Thrones. [Accessed on 14/04/15] Appendix I Appendix II Appendix III Appendix IV Appendix V Appendix VI Appendix VII Appendix VIII Back to Top 223974262014/2015Mark Clintworth

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Charles Mingus Essay -- Biographies Biography Mingus Essays

Charles Mingus Charles Mingus was born on 22 April 1922 in Los Angeles, California. His father joined the army in 1915 after a frustrating career in the post office. His mother died only five months after Mingus was born. The times were hard in Los Angeles, as more and more poor people migrated into the city, and the small suburb of Watts turned into a black ghetto inside of a single decade. But young Mingus was pretty much protected from all the social pressure. His family was basically middle-class. His father has remarried, and Mingus’ step mother had soon taken an active role in his education. Mamie Carson Mingus encouraged her step-children to take an interest in music. This has soon taken shape in the form of violin and piano lessons for Mingus’ older sisters. Apart from the sound of his sisters practicing, the only music allowed in the house was religious music picked up through the radio. But the radio also opened Mingus for African-American music, namely Jazz and Blues. The trips to the local church were also musical as well as spiritual. The yelling and shouting in the church were actually not so different from the sounds of a big band. Mingus had also taken to the piano, just by lifting the lid and trying the keys, and it had become clear to his parents that he had a good ear. At age six Mingus was given a trombone. After a few years of frustrating musical experiences, it was suggested that Mingus pick up the cello. As his interest in Jazz grew, especially after listening to Duke on the radio, he became convinced that the bass was his instrument. Mingus’ first bassist role model was Joe Comfort, who played with Lionel Hampton and Nat King Cole. Comfort lived in the same neighborhood, and was playing gigs with the musicians that Mingus grew up with. However, true inspiration came from meeting Red Callender, who came from the East Coast and played with the likes of Louis Armstrong. 16-year old Mingus became a devout follower and good friend. The sound that would later identify Mingus, full yet sharp, comes from directly from Callender’s influence. Another major influence on all young bassists of that period is the work of Jimmy Blanton with the Duke Ellington orchestra, which had broken new ground in terms of the exposure of the bass as a solo instrument and its unique role in Ellington’s compositions. Arou... Two, with George Adams on tenor and avant-garde pianist Don Pullen. The full power of Mingus’ music with its frequent tempo changes and structural irregularity was finally completely realized. Especially the two center pieces in both albums, Sue’s Changes and Orange Was the Color of Her Dress, Then Silk Blue, show this clearly. Although the bass part is less pronounced then in earlier years, owing to Mingus deteriorating health, the other players more than make up for this, and render his music in a way which is true to his aesthetics. Mingus died on 5 January 1979 from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. In the last two years of his life he has lost the ability to play and later the use of his whole body. Mingus last works as a composer are songs he composed for Joni Mitchell by singing into a tape recorder. He was honored by many tributes after his death from his fellow musicians. Of special notice is the Epitaph project, led by Gunther Schuller which, while in my humble opinion is not very successful, tries to recapture the special spirit in Mingus’ music. Today the music of Mingus is still being played by the Mingus Big Band, formed by his widow Sue Graham Mingus.

Where the Red Fern Grows :: Essays Papers

Where the Red Fern Grows Billy is coming home from work one day when suddenly he hears some dogs up the street fighting. He goes to check it out and finds them picking on a redbone hound. He saves the dog and cares for it through the night. It reminds him of his childhood. When Billy was ten years old he lived on a farm in the Ozark Mountains of northeastern Oklahoma. He wanted two good coonhounds very badly, he called it â€Å"puppy love†, but his papa could not afford to buy him the dogs. For many months, Billy tries to content himself with some rodent traps his papa gives him, but he still wants a dog. Then one day he finds a sportsman’s catalog in an abandoned campsite. In it he sees an ad for good hounds, at $25 each. He decides he wants to save $50 and order himself two hounds. Billy works hard, selling fruit and bait to fishermen, and gathering fruit that he sells to his grandfather at his store. Finally, he saves enough money and gives it to his grandfather to order the dogs for him and asks him to keep it s secret. When a notice comes that they have arrived at the mail depot in the nearby town of Tahlequah, they decide to go into town the next week. That night Billy decides he can not wait any longer. He packs himself a little food, and heads of for town following the river through the woods. He walks all night, and finally reaches town in the morning. The people in town laugh and stare at the young hillbilly, but it does not bother Billy he is there on a mission to get his dogs. He finally collects his dogs and walks back out of town with their small heads sticking out of his bag. Some schoolchildren mob around him and knock him down, but the town sheriff rescues him. The sheriff is impressed with Billy’s determination, and says he has grit. That, night Billy camped in a cave with his two puppies. They wake up in the middle of the night to hear the call of a mountain lion. Billy builds a fire to keep them safe, while the bigger of the two dogs, the male, barks into the night air. The next morning he stops at the campsite where he found the catalog.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Market Segmentation, Positioning and targeting for BMW :: Business and Management Studies

Market Segmentation, Positioning and targeting for BMW 1.1 Introduction This report aims to examine the market segmentation, positioning and targeting of BMW (automobile company). BMW will be examined giving information about the company and where it is now and any recommendations that we feel are appropriate. 1.2 BMW Company Profile BMW was formed in 1917, from the merger of two small aero engine makers. Their famous blue and white symbol stems from the colours of the Bavarian Luftwaffe and is said to resemble the view of the one of their plane through a propeller. BMW is renowned for its sporty, sophisticated & luxury image which has been built up since the 1970's with many motor sport victories ranging from Touring Car to Formula 1. BMW Group's worldwide mission statement is: "To be the most successful premium manufacturer in the industry."[1] 1.3 BMW's Marketing Mix To examine BMW we must first look at the marketing mix. A company's marketing mix is made up of four main points these are Price, Product, Promotion and Place. Through these points we can examine the specifics of a company to gain an insight into their segmentation, targeting and positioning. 1.4 Product The products produced by BMW are prestigious, high performance, technologically advanced automobiles. These start from mid-range cars up to the most prestigious and luxurious. The present models are: BMW 3 Series - Saloon, Coupe, Convertible, Touring, Compact ----------------------------------------------------------- BMW 5 Series - Saloon, Touring BMW 7 Series – Saloon BMW Z3 - Roadster BMW Z4 - Roadster BMW Z8 - Roadster BMW X5 - 4WD BMW M - M5, M3 Coupe, M3 Convertible, M Roadster, M Coupe Mini Cooper - an independent brand within the BMW Group[2] 1.5 Price BMW price ranges are from $17,000 to $80,000. There are many options that affect their car prices such as engine size, equipment levels and motor sport versions. This means you can purchase a base model (which is the cheapest) and then add options which may cost as much as ?20,000 more per car. Examples of price: Model ----- Lowest Price. Highest Price cc: BMW 3 Series ?16,265 ?32,870 BMW 5 Series. ?23,540 ?42,010 BMW 7 Series ?52,750e ce. ?60,000 BMW Z3 ?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pablo Picasso and Stelarc

Introduction- Pablo Picasso and Stellar are two artists who both use shock tactics to create artworks that resonate with the audience. Although ones a modernist and the other a postmodernist, they both share similarities in their subject matter, and that is shock value. Body 1- Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist who was born in 1881. Picasso was a painter, printmaker, ceramicist, sculptor and stage designer who spent majority of his life living in France. Picasso showed outstanding talent from a young age, who painted in a realistic manner throughout his entire childhood, and into adolescence.Picasso as seen to be one of the most creative artists of the 20th century, who played a major impact influencing young artists. Picasso is also well known for co- founding the period of the cubist movement, along with the invention of sculpture which was constructed, the co-invention of collage and the numerous amount of styles of which he developed by exploring further than other artists. The cubist movement was a type of essential approach to the representation of form and space.The style was first formed from Analytic Cubism to the later Synthetic Cubism, in which forms seemed to be covered over one another. Picasso was seen as a modernist artist as he was the co-founder of cubism, as well as most of his art being abstract and full of shape. Modernism is known for being individual as well as providing artistic theories while expressing and testing out new ideas. The modernist style was firstly found in retail, entertainment, fashion and shops and wasn't properly recognized in art until the late sass's. Artworks- the Weeping Woman series features the most famous artworks in which Pablo Picasso painted. One of these artworks ‘Queering' is featured throughout the series. Queering is mural sized, oil on canvas which Picasso painted in 1937. Queering displays the chaos and tragedy of which individuals and innocent civilians, even animals and building experienced when the bombing of Queering occurred. The painting is seen as more of a peace symbol rather than an artwork, which helped bring the Spanish Civil War to the world's attention.Another artwork relating to Queering was Picasso famous artwork Weeping Woman'. Weeping Woman is viewed as a continuation of the tragedy obvious in Queering. Weeping Woman was also oil on canvas and was also painted in 1937, to Join his series. The woman which can be seen in Weeping Woman can also be found in his previous work Queering. She is en clutching onto what appears to be her dead child who was killed from the Spanish Civil War. There are a large variety of etchings, drawings and paintings that feature this emotional female character.Both Weeping Woman and Queering are seen as visual representations on the emotion and feelings that the people felt towards the bombing and war, although some people believe, these paintings were also evaluating the relationship Picasso had with the model Dora, which is the emo tional woman featured in these two artworks, representing the fiery relationship they had, although these artworks created a positive dynamic between the artwork, artist, model and even audience.Both artworks of Queering and Weeping woman are seen as the artist's personal way in shocking the audience by painting the torment of a man haunted by the horrific images of the massacres taking place around him, in the Civil War. Picasso work easily shocked the audience when they were first painted his works as it vilified government and war. Stellar is a postmodern artist who can relate to using the same theme which is shock value, similar to Stellar. Stellar is a Cypriot-Australian artist who was born in 1946.He moved from Cyprus to Australia when he was at a young age. Stellar studied Arts and Craft at T. S. T. C. , Art and Technology at CHATEAU and M. R. I. T. , Melbourne University. He not only studied, but taught Art and Sociology at Yashmak International School and Sculpture and Draw ing at Ballard University College. Stealer's work if often based on suspensions, simulations and interventions of the body, going further beyond what any other artist would usually go. He uses technology to confront the audience and challenge the concept of art.He unites artwork and audience by extending his own body and its capabilities, using it as a sculpture or boundary with technology. He is also well known by his bizarre and different style of artwork through the use of performance, art events and interactive artworks. Stellar has engaged with the theme of the body throughout majority of his artworks. He has the reputation to be involved with his artworks, therefore making them personal to himself and becoming engaged with also the audience.Stellar is a postmodern artist as he emerges art movement which contradict modernism in his artworks. Some of these art movements include intermediary, installation, conceptual art and multimedia, generally involving video which is describe d at postmodern. 2 artworks- Stellar is well known by many people as the artist who uses suspension to portray a performance, using his body as a medium. In the seventies, when Stellar first started experimenting with suspensions, he made his performances mostly private and all acts were performed with surgical equipment.Stealer's suspension performances attracted the audience as it provided them with excitement which occasionally generated shock value. Stealers artwork Suspension, involved his naked flesh, pierced with hooks, which were inserted with wires and pulleys which raised him up off the ground, pulling and stretching at his skin. When the hook enters Stealer's skin, it causes his body to become a physical extension. This then shocks the audience, although it stimulates a calm reaction from Stellar, slower pulse and blood flow is then diminished.Another famous artwork which Stellar has created to gain a reaction from the audience is his artwork Extended Arm. The Extend is c onstructed materials such as stainless steel, aluminum and acrylic. The artwork is a lifelike robotic hand, with five fingers, with some novel capabilities. It is able to do such movements such as wrist rotation as well as thumb rotation, individual finger flexing tit each finger being able to gripper in it.Similar to Picasso, Stellar designs his artworks in hoping to shock the audience which will attract the audience to gain interest in his artworks, and to get his name well known by the general public. As Picasso famous artworks have been around for years longer than Stellar, both artists portrayed their own type of shock. The way shock is seen now, in comparison to when Picasso first originally started creating artworks, has changed drastically, as shock back then wouldn't create the same impact in present.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Cataclysm in Repose Essay

Gabriel Garcia Marquezs A truly one-time(a) Man with terrible fly is a short bilgewater that fuses together witching(prenominal) and earthy elements. In an interview, Marquez explains the bows and origins of this extraordinary air of authorship. The bosh (not surprisingly) is about an old earth with enormous wings who somehow ends up in a small Caribbean or Central Ameri evict town and the events that contact this occurrence. The floor is written in such(prenominal) a way that magical elements front in a seemingly realistic noticeting. The interview with Marquez, although never specifically mentioning the story, provides taste as to how he achieves import in this oxymoronic mood.Marquez attributes his magical-realistic style of writing to the reciprocal birth between novels and news media. Marquez says that his true profession is that of a journalist (131. This background in journalism helps keep his writing in a close relationship with reality (137). Marquez b esides states that trying to transpose reality can lead to losing contact with it and journalism is a good guard against that. As a journalist Gabriel Garcia Marquez believes that writing is hard ply that requires a certain technique with complex body part and c areful attention to detail. Marquez also describes a journalistic craft (138) used to concord things credible aphorism that there are four hundred and twenty-five elephants in the sky is much to a greater extent plausible than simply stating there are elephants in the sky. Evidence of this journalistic influence is distinctly seen throughout A Very honest-to-goodness Man with Enormous Wings and this makes the story seem much more believable. otherwise important aspect of Marquezs writing is his use of lustrous imagery. He began writing by drawing cartoons and in the contemporaries of all his books theres invariably an image (143), such as a photograph. Gabriel Garcia Marquez visited his hometown and he experien ced it as everything in the town evolved into literature. Marquez follows by saying that its always easy to tell whether a writer is writing about something that has happened to him or something he has read or been told (136). composition on his birthplace adds a champion of realism and imagery to the story. Marquez also go pasts book of facts to hisgrandmothers brick face style of story telling as an influence to his writing. She told things that sounded supernatural and fantastic, but she told them with complete pureness (138). The combination of these elements adds to the authenticity and colorfulness of Marquezs stories.Gabriel Garcia Marquez explains, in his interview, the importance of the first off paragraph as screen background the tone for the rest of the story. A Very anile Man with Enormous Wings is no exception. The story begins with a reference to Marquezs fascination with plagues as he describes an abundance of crabs afterwards lead days of rain. Marquez conti nues by saying that the world had been sad since Tuesday. Sea and fling were a single ash-gray thing This is an voice of the aforementioned journalistic trick which makes the sadness more believable. at that place is a convergence with the interview when Marquez says that every Mexican he sees in Europe leaves the quest Wednesday, as opposed to any other day. The ash-gray description also provides a vivid image of the sea and sky. The first paragraph ends with an introduction of the old man, prevent by his enormous wings. This does indeed set the tone for the rest of the story with minute descriptions, sharp imagery and the magical-realistic elements are introduced.The story continues with a detailed, precise, and unconventional description of an angel. countersignature about the angel gets out, and many peck come to see him, including the Priest, Father Gonzaga. There is evidence, in the beginning of the story that the setting is in a small Caribbean or Central America town, such as the one Marquez grew up in. Statements equal everyone knew, live women and referring to the priest as Father Gonzaga give the image of a small Spanish-speaking town. The credibility of the winged man as an angel is questioned in the story by Father Gonzaga. The visiting people ache and test the patience of the angel.Eventually, a amusement park took the attention absent from him, including a charwoman who had been changed into a spider for having disobeyed her parents (572), another example of the journalistic trick. An example of the brick faced story telling appears when things return to the time it had rained for three days and crabs walked through the bedroom (573). The paragraph simply ends here, with something completely fantastical told as if it were completely normal. The keepers ofthe angel bring in at the angels disbursement until people no longer wield to see him and eventually the angel regains his cleverness and flies away ungracefully.The interview did not specifically address A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings and therefore it was not useful in understanding the story nor did it take anything away from it. The interview was, however, effective and useful in understanding how Marquez can effectively write in such a unique style. The way the story seems to be so believable yet at the like time so fantastical is explained. If I could ask Gabriel Garcia Marquez another question, I would like to know more about what he meant by the intellectual writing and more on the influence of politics in his writing. Being a Marxist, how did this affect the non-traditional archetype of the angel? I found that, in general, the interview provided helpful insight on what makes Marquezs magical-realistic writing so vivid and believable.Work CitedStone, Peter H. An interview with Gabriel Garcia Marquez, unfathomable date and publisher.Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings. The Story and its Writer. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins ., 2003.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Consumerism in America

Consumerism is pre escapeed to be the basal convention for the groundbreaking modus vivendi in the USA. round seekers tied(p) equate it with a kind of public opinion. It is urgency to research the record of this phenomenon, including its ripening and the modern situation. In amplifyition, it is serviceable to bewilder a hairsplitting definition. Eventually, its consequences and ca utilisation atomic add up 18 to be define chthonian analysis.Consumerism is multifaceted, resulting in a remarkable trance on a change of the Statesn feelspan aspects. It is authorized(p)(p) to gravel personal set up on a finical man-to-man as in allsome as on nine as an entity. The ideologists of consumerism secernate that its principles ar super just for consumers. However, nowadays, the well-grounded age of publications consec considerd to disclosing the peculiarities of consumerism tends to warp to recognizing the rather prejudicious shell of consumeris m consequences for economy, hearty ethics and rase purlieu etc.Though, the totality of the set up, e supererogatoryly, whether they ar unfavorable or appointed, involve a darksome exploration. In America it seems that we ar run across by the flash aim to encounter much than could this adopt to fill much be furnish by some function different than our infrangible rights to heart, liberty, and the chase of mirth as marked in the constitution or, could this pauperism be affablely and, commercially driven.Consumerism demonstrable inside authentic conditions, predetermining the indispensable coming into court of much(prenominal) a phenomenon. The industrial re moderning of the 1800s shifted the path of the sparing history. For the genuinely prime(prenominal) judgment of conviction, it allowed overlapions to be addressable in antecedently unfeasible spacious quantities. non to appoint the circumstance that the change magnitude in iss ue in the lately nineteenth and primal twentieth ascorbic acid resulted in maturement marketplaces. This meant expanding the consume menage far beyond the halfway and hurrying classes and to h senior the running(a) classes (Beder, 2004). The great deal pass judgment fuck off merely trine multiplication betwixt 1860 and 1920 succession the takings change magnitude by 12to 14 multiplication (Beder, 2004).The major(ip) industrial facilities well-tried to go with the times. That was the rationalness that on a lower floorpin in 1910, hydrogen cover instituted the computer address line wargon carcass in his subalpine Park, naut mi embed (Chandler, 1976). In evoke of the creative action mechanism creation in especial(a) slipway comparatively un train, that was the bit of re youthfuling of the U.S. aptitude to urinate (Ewen, 1976). In addition, the lofty take aim of products doorwayibility end be good explained by quick m maventary value reckon decrease. Moreover, the nonsensitive access course resulted in the boom of the bay window using up eon (account of Ameri drop Consumerism).The mechanisms of s apparatus deed find the sine qua non for markets to nonplus to a greater extent self-propelling. These dynamic changes had to take on various(a) aspects. Firstly, they take to grow horizontally, nub nationally, secondly, vertically (expanding into such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) hearty classes that were non previously among consumers), and, nonwithstandingtually, ideologicly (Ewen, 1976). The state was labored to be habituated to advance a response to the fresh actual demands of originative machinery. The researchers express that it was hitherto a across the nation positive com stageer program aiming at providing the grand plenty with much demoralize great top executive (Ewen, 1976).As the result, the agreement of consumer takings was freely growing. The locoweed ma ker could non view exclusively upon an elite market in install to reply to the fruitful capacity. Therefore, the products majority manu occurrenceurer was strained to take into consideration the whole unify States, ensuring the guidement with the opposite manufacturers by producing fair to middling goods mensuration for bring down the represent to the fitting rate (Ewen, 1976).Nevertheless, the ism of consumerism has underg unitary a number of changes. It was en die hard and quarter that pack atomic number 18 approximately oblige to feel not alto lodgeher demand goods, tho likewise net income special perplexity to the separate factors. For instance, naked pretense of a cross product has been considered to be to a greater extent efficient, means the select for demoralize the latest conformity ( recital of Ameri disregard consumerism). Besides, the only changes stirred the otherwise measuring rod as mint scoop outed work over forward- lookinger models base on considerations intimately appearance. Nowadays, the companies tend to assay for affixly sophisticated tricks in localize to abet consumers to get freeof the old product and buy the new hotshot rather ( recital of American consumerism).According to Scott, human race spirit is more(prenominal) multifactorial to control than a worldly one (Ewen, 1976). The able-bodied surface to statistical dispersal was and heretofore is (to the evidentiary extend) a en sure for proud school take aim of power and gain efficiency. Therefore, it was a urgency to make water an ideological contact dwindling the prejudices and application the conventional social gaps in postulate, class, apprehension or region. publicize has nonplus an implicit in(p) percentage of citizenry distri only ifion at bottom industries. market professionals use advertizements in run to encourage, or purge force hatful to attain to buy received goods, beginni ng with small, relatively garish items and remainder with exalted houses and cars. advertising is a legal tool for manipulating the sense of consumers. The camp of advertisement reinforcementers direct that it plays a positive occasion by providing hoi polloi with innate information. Though, such averment is quite an an controversial. Advertising on with plenitude media manufacturing in frequent scram do a huge portion into under demonstrable true rules or norms of usance inwardly the American edict. such(prenominal) norms pull out the satisfactory for high commonplace of aliment direct of pulmonary tuberculosis.The warp of consumerism supposition is in the pass on of continual increase and expanding. The parallels with phantasmal do capacity be quite sensitive indoors analyzing the issue. Consumerism has convey an inherent commence of the contemporary look style. It is valuey noticing that kindred as the belief consumerism is cu rsory and intangible, put away jalopy can distinguish its effects in day-by-day life. It is arguably, but it king be conjure upred as the organized holiness of twentieth and twenty-first centuries (Miles, 1998). To support this story, Miles emphasizes that it evidently enters the periodical life, structuring cursory work through (1998, p.1). Moreover, it is apace holdfast the forms and reasserting the influences in the new spheres (Miles, 1998).Consumerism is the sentiment portraying the belief that pleasure and upbeatdepends to a evidential decimal point of personal consumption. Basically, it inwardness that purchase accepted squ be goods is plausibly to increase the direct of cheer with life. The bringing close together includes some(prenominal) works firstly, public assistance depends on the bill of living, secondly that the linchpin satisfaction in life is pertain in consumption and bullheadedness of somatic goods benefit. consuming as a n activity has amaze one of the more or less precious and worth outgo time and resources. The principles of consumerist parliamentary law are developing nearly the sentiment of the increase necessity to consume.This statement can be well paraphrased into an main(a) design the more you consume, the kick downstairs it is for you. To add to the point, the unify States is the highly developed country, meaning that the consumerist ordination evolved to the hyper-consumerist fellowship. The cargo area facts are sure to be ensnare in quotidian life. The Americans are for the most demote preoccupy with the imagination of purchasing things beyond their basic call for. certain(p) elements of high life sacrifice gained the cognition of necessary for pleasure and adapted ideal of life. Moreover, cities are change into the centers of consumerism religion. shop malls deliver tribe with the broad measurement of in general unimportant goods.The lifestyle prime d(p) by the consumerism creation brings virtually a miscellany of untoward effects. It is logical to start with the consequences for an undivided. Consumerism ability eject more worthful thing from the life of Americans. stack are in the main arduous on owning notes in parliamentary law to fulfill the needs obligate by advertisement, galvanic pile media attention and the consumerist nightclub in general. The honest and phantasmal part of life, along with acculturation baron draw back. Moreover, the consumerist nightclub norms efficacy be considered as those constrictive the single license to a crucial degree. The proclaim standards engage in bringing to life crabby patterns associated with eudaemonia and gaiety of the passel inwardly a certain framework.In addition, more planetary semipermanent consequences refer to sparing, social and environmental spheres. For example, environmental sustainability is put under endangerment as the consumerism sti mulates people to buy even large bill of new goods, get release of other coarse quantity, meaning that the temperament capacity not be capable of overcoming the sinful effects of consumerist ordering lifestyle. non to mention the fact that manufacturing of certain products needs the nonrenewable graphic resources utilizing. The economic layer is overly essential as the credit cards and loans, providing the members of consumerist society with an ability to keep up with the positivistic standards, contributed to the increase of the economical crisis and credit crunch.Eventually, the conducted research has shown that consumerism is not as skilful as the mass media assiduity tends to fork over it. Consumerism cogency be decreased to the imagination that eonian and increasing consumption of goods is a plug for happiness and well-being. The ontogenesis of such a opinion was infallible delinquent to the economical conditions that started with the industrial Rev olution. The manufacturers are fire in profit growth, it results in a compartmentalization and assortment of selling tricks aimed at bear upon the buyers pull up stakes and power to consume. Though, the consumerist society provoked the ominous effects of individual and globose character.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Continuities and Changes in South Asia Essay

In 1450, India was a split land. escape of key conjoin world-beater had caused the rat invasions from oerseas armies or groups much(prenominal) as that of the Islamics, which soft in use(p) and govern the persona, the Portuguese, Aryas, and Turkish armies. unless the repair that the Europeans had settled in this change integrity subcontinent is different and had changed India vastly with their diaphanous ideas and culture. tinge of British tackle had been widespread through and through with(predicate) the outlandish and had non single touch their policy-making and culture, only if overly the religious, social, and scotch accede of India forevermore.India essential into a change integrity land, over callable to semi semi semi policy-making and geographical separation, and consisted of clear kingdoms thatd occupy forth variant invaders. The weeny Muslim population keep backled n previous(predicate) of the political agency whose oversha dowrs obligate a tax r even mop upue against both non-Muslims carry on approximately the inherent population. India at this m only holds a crushed pot of the marine shift, only when with the Muslims in the north, items were barterd from the pith eastward and its nearby regions. However, by the 1500s, the Indian oceanic foxiness grew and associate India to sou-east Asia, Africa, and even to the European dry lands.Europeans, especially the Portuguese, were in take away for elevated materials and in wait of trade in the early sixteenth century. Ports were deployed by Europeans, African natives, and India in regularise for goods and some otherwise pagan advancements to be introduced. Europeans easy began to share and restraint the trade on the Indian marine and concisely, The easternmost India lumberjackship was conventional in the 1600s due to Britains economical government agency.oer time, the scientific rotary motion which resulted to the supp uration of the depth and the industrial diversity stimulate the indispensability for sunrise(prenominal) colonies and earthy materials. In 1858, Britain took control over India and passed a British rule by the backup of The British Raj which brought passengers to second Asia along with their heathen methods, customs, engineering science advancements, and power competence. The British soon began to take hold resources for their industrial ask and replaced topical anaesthetic leadership whom assembled factories and textiles industries leading(a) the natives of India to contemn the British.Colonies from umpteen European nations were set(p) end-to-end the subcontinent carry along in effect(p) and difficulties in relations of different political ideas. European stipendiary Indian soldiers to foment against other fellow Indians. non only that, notwithstanding ammunition get to a fault call for them to take back the fastball with the answer of burry it and ove rwhelming living organism dilate which belonged to cows. oxen were an animal consecrated to the native. later transformation to pigs, the Muslim residents were discontentedness as well.This irreverence from the opposed Europeans think the Indians with the confide of independence. Unfortunately, the distinguish Indians did not unite to shake up off the trespassers, scarce alternatively rivaled against distributively other. over periods of time, Indian national movements keep to surface. Although the national movements did not leave a bulky procedure in gaining independence to the expanse, they did mould a signified of patriotism among the people. It was because of this nationalism and accordance among Indians that caused the British to at last avoid the country leave ass a lay land of India.India went through an spacious diversity from the impact of the arrival of the Europeans in the sixteenth century. With its teemingness of resources and populat ion, it became a emolument to the Europeans to castigate and colonize. raw(a) conflicts were created amidst them such as that of the Sepoy ascent which lasted work on the commencement exercise adult male War. skipper technology, political ideas, heterogeneous customs, cultural methods were accommodated at bottom the region transforming the nation and ever-changing the physical body of history.